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Latest News Updates

Update 19th April 2021


Welcome to our new look website!


Almost a year since the previous update, here we are, finally coming back out of lockdown number 2! Many people say lockdown 3, but we were just in a strict tier 4 guidance for the unofficial lockdown 2, the official one everything was closed once again. Anyway, I digress! 


We are delighted to still be here, to have still been working flat out during the pandemic and continue to work on all your amazing orders. As a small business, we are ETERNALLY grateful when you think of us for your projects, or recommend us to your friends and families. We cannot thank you all enough!


We have updated the full website, and still updating the listings to make sure there is lots of choice available, prices are still at a professional, yet affordable price point and continue to add new items to the site. We are going to be now including listing for digital design works, as well as a page to help support our fellow small businesses. But, all in due course! Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.


We have also setup our business TikTok and hope to be bringing you some more engaging content over there and on our social media accounts. 


If you notice anything missing from the site, or are interested in our small business support section, pop us an email!


Love always,

Nadia & Robyn x





Important update as of 2nd May 2020:

Postal update - We are back open to making and posting orders. Our post office is open and literally at the top of our street less than a minute walk away so we are able to post items when out for our daily exercise. Please be aware (which I'm sure you all are by now) Royal Mail are, like everyone else, under extreme pressure right now and most areas are experiencing lengthy delays even with signed for options. This is outwith our control, but we will keep you as up to date as we can and will provide tracking information where possible.


Turnaround - We had hoped we could turn around orders within a day or so as we are pretty much caught up and working on behind the scenes bits while we can, however, having a three year old around the house while we work is pretty much impossible (haha). So to allow for delays entertaining the tot, who is as bored and fed up as the rest of us, turnaround will be around 5 working days at the moment, excl. posting time, so please allow for this time when you are ordering.


Stock - As of today all orders which include using card for anything (business cards etc) will face delays. Our current card supplier has increased their prices 300% and we cannot afford to take the hit on this one, or expect our customers to pay extra. We are trying to source a new supplier as we speak so hopefully this can be rectified this week. Also, we are low on stock (or out of stock) on most of the coloured engravable keyrings. Stock has been ordered and is on the way, but as expected it is still in transit somewhere along the postal line. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and support our small, growing business.


Please continue to follow government guidelines, and we will all be back together soon.


Nadia and the Love Robyn team x





Important update as of 1st April 2020:

As you may be aware we are a business based in Lanarkshire, Scotland. At this time the postal services have gone on strike, as well as experiencing heavy delays due to staff shortages within the mail handling system within our area.


Please allow up to 21 days for delivery at this time if your item has already been posted. This is outwith our control, and can only apologise for any delays. 


If you are affected by this please contact us to resolve matters. 


Thanks again for your patience at this uncertain time for us all.

Nadia x





Important update as of 24th March 2020:

From today until further notice there will be no posting of items due to the Government guidelines on using our systems wisely. This, as interpreted by myself, should mean only using vital services such as mail for essential items in order to keep the network going for priority items. We at Love Robyn HQ do not consider our products as an essential part of day to day living, therefore we will not be posting items out at this time. We will review this situation in 3 weeks time once the initial "lockdown" phase has been reviewed by our Prime Minister. The website will remain open, but please do not expect a speedy response as normal practise would entail due to having our family home full of mischief at this time with our daughter home from nursery and Mr Love Robyn home from work too.


We are taking this time to review all our products we offer, as well as updating the website listing where possible.


We would like to thank everyone for their patience at this time, and hope you are all safe and well.


Please stay at home to save lives, and enable our valuable NHS to play their roles in saving many lives over the weeks to come.


Nadia x

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